Welcome New Patients!

Please download your intake forms and bring completed copies to your first appointment, or you may fax them to (805) 384-9091 prior to your appointment.

Below are the most common questions from patients. Feel free to call our office with any additional inquiries and watch Dr. Paber’s videos to learn more about her healing philosophy and practices.

What should I wear to my treatment?

Wear comfortable clothing. Depending on your treatment, you may be invited to remove your clothing to your level of comfort and cover yourself with a sheet while lying on the treatment table.

Should I eat before my appointment?

Eat moderately prior to your appointment; avoid being overly full or arriving on a completely empty stomach. It’s best to avoid caffeine for a few hours before you arrive.

Is there anything I should do after my treatment?

Drink lots of water! We release toxins as we heal, and water will help you flush them through and out of your body effectively. It can also be helpful to bathe with epsom salts.

If you’re able, give yourself a little extra time after your session before jumping directly into work or activity, and avoid any strenuous exercise for the remainder of the day.

 Still have questions?